The First Presidential Debate

The first presidential debate between Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump occurred on September 26, 2016 at Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York. Each candidate had their share of good and bad moments throughout the heated debate. Trump voters are not forming opinions on him based on the traditional political standards, which is what is bringing him in the votes. This is an immediate boost for Trump because years upon years American citizens have heard the promises of politicians that have almost always failed to be delivered. It has been revealed that within the past couple of months, Clinton’s team has been worried about her ability to bond with voters the way Obama had previously done. Although her arguments made her voters think, will they be progressing on with her?

Throughout the whole debate, Trump pointed out that Clinton was just an average politician who does not understand Americans. In the eyes of Trump, she will be a politician who promises wonderful things, however will never exactly follow through on them. After the debate, Trump took to Twitter and stated, “Crooked Hilary says she is going to do so many things. Why hasn’t she done them in her last 30 years?” Clinton decided to take a different approach than expected and attacked Trump based on his business, pointing out that Trump has not paid any income tax returns. Clinton spoke on Trump’s tax returns stating, “It must be something really important, even terrible, that he’s trying to hide.” Trump, then, proceeded to turn around Hilary’s attack tactic. He claimed that when she releases her deleted emails, he will release his tax returns. Although Clinton knew more specific details at times, the attacks on Trump’s behalf we were planned.

So, who won the first Presidential Debate? Officially, Hilary Clinton was deemed the winner of the first Presidential Debate. However, the morning after the debate, Trump tweeted, “I won every poll from last nights Presidential Debate- except for the little watched CNN poll.” Also. on the night of the debate, the #1 trend on Twitter was #TrumpWon. In the eyes of Clinton supporters, the Secretary of State won the debate. In the eyes of Trump supporters, the businessman won. Don’t forget to tune into the Second Presidential Debate on October 9th!


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